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Nearly every chronic disease is linked to this one thing.


😬😬😬Not enough people are talking about this.

Nearly every chronic disease in the world today can be linked back to this same thing.

🔥 Chronic Inflammation 🔥

3 out of 5 people worldwide die because of chronic inflammatory diseases, and the World Health Organization ranks these diseases as the greatest threat to human health.

Chronic inflammation is at play in:

🔹 Diabetes

🔹 Heart Disease

🔹 Autoimmune Disease

🔹 Arthritis

🔹 Eczema

🔹 IBD (Crohn’s & Colitis)

🔹 Depression

The list goes on….

But here’s what you really need to know.

Chronic inflammation can be subtle as it gradually builds up over time. Even in the absence of a chronic disease, inflammation can contribute to:

🔸 Fatigue

🔸 Achiness

🔸 Sleep Problems

🔸 Anxiety

🔸 Weight Gain

🔸 Weight Loss

🔸 Digestive Issues

Or other vague and confusing health issues.

There’s so much to unpack about chronic inflammation that I’m going to commit a series of posts to this topic.

Up next?

👉 What’s causing the inflammation?



Unlike 26 other jurisdictions within the United States (23 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Georgia chooses not to regulate the practice of Naturopathy in any form. As a result, Naturopathic Doctors are not licensed healthcare providers in Georgia and the service of Naturopathy is educational in nature and does not replace the relationship of a primary care provider. In Georgia, Naturopathic Doctors do not manage pharmaceutical medications nor do we prescribe any pharmaceuticals. In non-regulated states, all information provided during the course of our service is intended to educate and empower each and every individual however, it is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a licensed provider. 

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